Official Receipt Template

Official Receipt Template for Sales, Payment, and Transaction

Business involves two parties in doing the transaction. To validate their activity, the receipt is produced and sent directly to both parties. This kind of receipt is the official document. Some people also call it as an official receipt. It contains information about the product, sales, and payment.

Blank Receipt Word Template

Official Receipt Idea and Purpose

Receipt in business has some purposes, from the major to minor ones. The most common objective is proof of transaction or activity. Any business will have this receipt to ensure the process is valid. When the problem arises in the future, the receipt can be used as a reference and evidence to avoid disputes. That’s why the receipt must come from an official source, which is the company itself.

Official Receipt Outline and Content

Outline and contents are the keys when creating the official receipt. One template is commonly for a specific purpose. Of course, you may change and edit it into various conditions. Knowing what inside the receipt is useful before you make it on your own.

As an official document, the content must be legal and valid. The items include the name, product, payment, and condition. Usually, the company has a template for this receipt with the header to indicate the file is from a relevant and reliable source. The employee just completes the items with the latest data. After that, it needs to be sent to customers directly.

Official Receipt Templates and Samples

You can check some templates and samples for an official receipt. Learning from the samples helps to know what kind of receipt you must prepare and create. Explore more about them on the following list.

  1. Sales receipt

This receipt is for sales records and documentation. All transactions must have valid proof and this receipt is for such purpose. A company creates a receipt for the client or customer.


  1. Payment receipt

The next template is for the payment receipt. It is useful to validate that customers have completed payment. You see some options for payment method and signature to legalize receipt.


  1. Order bill receipt

The order bill receipt contains items that the client wants from the seller. It is quite similar to the invoice. You see item list and related information about a product including delivery time.


  1. Salary receipt

Some receipts are not directly related to transactions and business activities. On the other side, receipt still has significant influence. An example of that one is the salaried receipt for employees or workers.


  1. Service receipt

The company does business to provide a product such as goods or services. For service order, the receipt has different contents. It explains detail about service, delivery time, and related items. An example of this receipt is for a hotel and spa.


  1. Payment receipt

You can use this template for payment receipt. In fact, this is the reason why you must have an official one. Payment is important during the business. When the customer has sent payment, the seller gives a receipt immediately.

Official Receipt Free Template

You can have the template for this receipt without any fee. This means you do not need to pay when downloading and accessing the file. Everything is free that you may choose a template based on your needs and preference. Moreover, the official receipt has multiple platforms that are compatible with most computer software. You do not have to worry about editing anymore.

Cash Receipt Template1

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